While no one wants to face tooth loss, millions of Americans each year lose one or more teeth due to trauma, tooth decay, periodontal disease, or other issues that destroy teeth so badly that they eventually fall out. Maybe you’ve suffered a blow to the face or maybe you’ve been in a car accident that resulted in facial damage and tooth loss. Whatever the case, the prosthodontic team at Chappaqua Dentistry led by Dr. Brisman, Dr. Guccione, and Dr. Lambrakos, stands ready to perform a comprehensive evaluation to determine which tooth replacement options would be best for your particular needs.

If dental implants are not the best choice for you, then Dr. Brisman will show you other options to restore the form and function of your mouth, teeth, and gums.

The Dental Implant Process

Using the word “process” here is critical because dental implants are more of a process than a singular event, unlike other dental procedures that can happen in one appointment. While you may have heard of “teeth in a day,” traditional dental implants take several months to be fully stable and secure in your mouth, once that process is complete, you’ll be able to eat and speak with ease again. You won’t have any restrictions other tooth replacement options require.

It would be impossible to explain the entire procedure here. Dr. Brisman, Dr. Guccione, and Dr. Lambrakos like to show their patients their findings and how dental implant technology works while you’re in the office. We even have an in-house dental lab that allows us to custom-make your dental fabrications here on-site.

Patient Testimonials

Here, however, we can present a condensed explanation of the dental implant process.

The areas of your mouth that are missing teeth must be prepared to receive the dental implants. Traditional dental implants are titanium posts that resemble screws; the number of dental implants required to restore your smile depends on many factors, one of which is how many teeth are missing. Other factors that must be considered are your existing jawbone density and overall health.

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Your Westchester dental implant dentist surgically implants the titanium screw-like posts into your jawbone. In a process known as “osseointegration,” those implants will fuse with your jaw providing you a sturdy, immobile tooth replacement. The process takes a few months, and because everyone heals at a different pace, it’s hard to predict exactly how long this part of the process will take for you.

Once traditional dental implants are placed, an abutment (a connecting piece) is added to prepare for the final step of the implant process, which is the addition of the artificial tooth, which commonly takes the form of a dental crown. This last stage of the dental implant process in Westchester is known as a “dental implant restoration,” instead of a crown, your implant dentist may place a dental bridge or total or partial denture.

A Bit About Bone Grafting

Dental bone grafting is a process in which a new bone is grown to correct damage and produce a sturdier place for the implants. Once your grafted bone has grown (or fused), it can serve the same function as the natural jawbone.

The highly trained prosthodontists at Chappaqua Dentistry can perform bone grafting on-site.

Call for a Dental Implant Consultation Today

If you would like to learn more about dental implants in Westchester or find out what other tooth replacement options may benefit you, please call Chappaqua Dentistry at (914) 238-8200. You may also fill out our online contact form, and one of our dental team members will reach out to answer questions or schedule a dental implant appointment.


The duration of the dental implant procedure varies depending on individual cases. Generally, it can take anywhere from six months to a year. This timeline includes initial consultations, preparatory procedures such as bone grafting or sinus lifts, implant procedure, and the healing time before the final crown or bridge placement.

The cost of dental implants varies based on individual needs and specific procedures required. Dental implants are a cost-effective long-term solution designed to last a lifetime with proper care. Regular maintenance typically involves standard oral hygiene practices and routine dental check-ups.

Dental implants may suit you if you have missing teeth, adequate bone density, healthy gums, and good general health. Consultation with a dental expert is necessary to assess your specific needs and eligibility.